• A Pathway which Mostly People Like Me May Said, "The Venture is too Ambitious"

    The way of Shinobi

    I had been doing something that might be regretted, and I believe that every people in many parts of the world has too, even it would more than one. Nevertheless, i am not sure whether everyone is aware how to heal such a problem that it will be just an everlasting painfull memory.

    I convince that to cope such a dillema, I should be doing many worth achievements in hope that it could alleviate that hurt. That is what i've been doing now. Every people has a distinct approach to overcome their problem as they know themselves. Therefore, it is actually should not be astonished if my way is may be different too as long as no rights, law, religion rules and norms which were disobeyed.

    I refuse to follow a common way that mostly people do after they are graduated, because i want to get more that mostly people who are same backround with me could achieve. I belive that i am afford to do more. Hence, i refuse to give up as i had been doing some failure.I will be persevere to embody all my aspirations, despite people may think that it such too ambitious as mostly people likes me never thought that my venture may be successfully.

     Prior to die, I just want to read many things in the world that I’ve never known before. I want to see all trough the right ways and the right perspectives. I am the last hope of my family , therefore I must not neglect everything that they have been sacrificed for my efforts. Everything i can do to make my life is better tomorrow... and I believe that Allah SWT will always guide me. Amin.
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